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Our journey started very simply with our most loving E-sports game PUBG Mobile. It started from the bottom. We know, everyone starts PUBG Mobile for passing their time with their friends & do fun also. Just like that, we started playing with a group of people (friends & random game friends). After some days our bonding grew up and we created a clan called ‘WEIRD ARMY’. Then all the clan members had changed their PUBG Mobile in-game name tag. Clan members put the tag ‘WEIRD’ before their name. After all the stuff has done, decided to start competing and then we entered. It was started season 2 of PUBG Mobile. Then we created a discord server name called ‘WEIRD OFFICIALS’. After creating a server, starts focusing on how to grow. Then some of our big-brothers & friends suggested doing a PUBG Mobile event with prize-pool.

‘WEIRD OFFICIALS’ launched their 1st event which was PUBG Mobile duo tournament with 2k BDT prize-pool. Successfully done with the event, server member has gone 1800+. After 1st event, tried to flash that’s why collaborated for the tourney with ‘Arsenious eSports’ the prize pool was 10k BDT. Whenever started promoting our 2nd tourney the thing that happened that was very unfortunate with us that was our discord server got hacked by suspicious. Then within 2 days came up with our new discord server called ‘WEIRD E-SPORTS’. Continuing our previous 10k BDT tourney and started flashing. After that tourney, our members grow up to 6000+. Then started our grinding and didn’t need to see back. Did weekly scrim many seasons prize pool 50-60k BDT sponsored by game.tv . Side by side started doing Collab & sponsorship events. Basically, got Collab & sponsorship (2k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 25K, 50K, 100K, 150K) after our very 2nd event (10k BDT event) just because of earned fame for quality management.

Our competitive team wasn’t good enough that time. Started focusing on them to do well. Because that momentum was growing of BD PUBG Mobile competitive. Then started grinding on tournaments after getting many achievements, our team started getting invited and wildcard slots in other events. We had mobile and emulator lineup for PUBG Mobile. For the education and many issues (there has no future for the emulator sector), our emulator was disbanded. Our full focus goes to the Mobile lineup like started giving many opportunities they needed.

There is a proverb, ‘Can’t live a life without problems’. Like that, one of our clan co-leader was also our server admin, he tried to take possession from the server owner and clan leader also. He had a good bonding with all the clan members after he failed with the possession step then he convinced and take out all of them from the clan. The members did not leave who are believed in ‘WEIRD ESPORTS’. Member’s statement was we’ll always with WEIRD E-SPORTS’. Learned many things after that drama. Then made a new PUBG Mobile lineup but that lineup performed better than the previous lineup. And overcome with the same energy and same intensity.

Made a big change after the PUBG ban. Changed our discord server name to ‘WEIRD ORG’. The reason was, now started focusing on many sectors like mobile, emulator & PC. Covering many events for PUBG Mobile, BGMI, Valorant, GTA 5, COD, Clash of Clans, etc. Now, thinking & starting works like an ORG, not like esports for the future. WEIRD ORG has many sponsored lineups in many esports games (PUBG Mobile, Valorant, Clash of Clans).

Everyone can think our journey was very smooth but our present says how weird it was. Now, WEIRD ORG is Bangladesh’s No.1 biggest discord server.

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